Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Little About Me

Hello everyone,

I thought I'd start this blog out with a post about me and my family. What credentials do I have for starting a blog on adoption? Well, over the past fourteen years my parents have adopted eleven children, pushing my total sibling count up to thirteen. The latest set of children was in December. Hard for me to believe, but that was only seven months ago.

I still live at home. Until November I worked for an ambulance company. Once our dossier, which is a packet of paperwork necessary for adoption, was accepted in Ukraine, I quit my job to help Mom at home. I was left in charge of the four kids Mom and Dad left behind for nearly a month when they traveled to Ukraine. They came back with six more.

Seven months later, my parents and I have learned quite a bit about older children who have spent most of their lives in an orphanage. I hope to pass some of that knowledge on to other people who are going through some struggles.

More later,


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